What is ADHD?

ADHD is a mental health condition that can cause above normal levels of hyperactive and impulsive behaviours.

Factors that increase the chances of ADHD include heredity, premature birth, brain injury.

Key Characteristics

  • Trouble focusing their attention on a single task

  • Sitting still for long periods of time.

  • It can affect a child’s success at school and relationships.

  • The symptoms can start from a young age.

  • Those with ADHD commonly have co-occurring other specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

Does my child have ADHD?

There are 14 common signs of ADHD in a young person.

  • An inability to recognise other people’s needs and desires.
  • Interrupting
  • Trouble waiting their turn.
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Fidgetiness’
  • Problems playing quietly.
  • Unfinished tasks
  • Lack of focus
  • Avoidance of tasks
  • Mistakes
  • Daydreaming
  • Trouble getting organised.
  • Forgetfulness
  • Symptoms show in multiple settings.
  • Social awkwardness.