What are study skills?

Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments

Types of Study Skills

  • Mnemonics
  • Effective reading
  • Concentration techniques
  • Efficient Note Taking

How can it help with Dyslexia?

Effective study skills are essential for study success. Dyslexics often find it hard to organise and develop effective skills. Many require support throughout their education to gain their best results.

A Key Strategy for Textbook Reading

  • Don't Read Everything

    Skim and take notes, rather than reading every single word.

  • Priortize

    What do you need to read throughly and what can you skim?

  • Understand the Concept

    Look for ideas and arguments rather than just facts

  • Hierarchies of Importance

    1. Arguments: what the author is saying
    2. Descriptions: names, dates, etc.
    3. Context: summary
  • Leave enough time

    Assume each reading will take at least one hour.