We are totally committed to protecting your information and using it responsibly. Please read our policy carefully to understand how we collect, use and store your information. 


1. Why we use your information

1.1 We will only use your information where we have a legal basis to do so and will always respect your rights.

1.2 Where we use your information, it may be because you have consented to us doing so or because we consider we have a legitimate interest to do so. Where we do rely on a legitimate interest to use your information, we will always ensure that this is done in a way so as not to be intrusive or cause distress, and that respects your rights.  Other reasons may include using information because we have a legal obligation to do so or because we have to fulfil contractual obligations.  

.We need to use your information to fulfil a contract with you, such as providing you with dyslexia support.

We are using your information in pursuit of legitimate interest, for example:

To pursue our purpose to deliver our mission and vision 

  • ​To ensure we meet our regulatory requirements.
  • To manage our financial transactions and prevent fraud


2. How we use your information to fulfil your requests and support you

2.1 To respond to or fulfil any requests for service or information, complaints or queries you make to us. If you contact us directly, we will use the information you give to us to handle your enquiry or request for service or information. This may include responding to your query or feedback, or sending you relevant information, such as dyslexia/SpLD information. We may also keep a record of conversations we have with you, feedback you provide. This can help us to handle queries more efficiently. 

Where you provide contact details, we will provide information and support by email, post or phone depending on the contact preferences you provided.

Where appropriate, we will use the information you provide to identify any help we can offer. This includes information about your dyslexia, special learning difficulty (SpLD) or other sensitive information; we will only use this information if you have consented to us doing so.

2.2 To send you marketing communications by email, where you have agreed to receive this. Where you have provided an email and consented to being contacted in this way, we will send you information by email regarding any courses or additional services that maybe of interest or contact you by phone and post 

You can tell us to stop contacting you, or change the way in which we do so, by getting in touch with us using the details in the “Contacting us” section.