What is an assessment?

I formally diagnoise dyslexia and suggest other learning difficulties , that may require further investigation.

If someone is experiencing significant difficulties in their day to day life at school or college, a diagnostic assessment is designed to formally diagnose dyslexia or another learning difficulty that could help them find out more about themselves and what support they need.

They usually take around 3 – 4 hours after which I will provide initial insights followed up by a full report.


The overall aim is to formally diagnose dyslexia supported by the test results and find out the following:

  • Formally diagnose dyslexia and suggest other possible co-occurring learning difficulties.
  • Find out an individual’s strengths and weaknesses through carrying out a range of different tests.
  • To highlight an individual’s best style of working and what works really well and what creates unnecessary challenges.
  • Collect useful information on the literacy and numeracy skills.
  • To establish if there is a discrepancy, between general ability and reading and writing attainment.
  • To look at what factors may be affecting the learning development of the individual.
  • To look at what reasonable adjustments will need to take place in order for an individual to fully access the curriculum and exams.


Here are some reasons why you might need an assessment for your child:

  • To apply for access arrangements at school for all examinations taken. Such as a scribe, reader extra times the need for a laptop in certain subjects. If they are in year 9 then the schools SENCO must be informed as this is a JCQ requirement and the scores can be used.
  • To use as evidence for college or university arrangements.
  • A well written assessment should help the child, their family and the educational setting to understand their challenges
  • A supportive school environment should take the recommendations on the report and look at how they can support the child to meet their potential. This is dependent on the schools budget; staffing and resources. Under the Equalities Act (2010) a school should make some reasonable adjustments to ensure appropriate development.

The Process

What are the outcomes?

  • Both a specialist teacher and an Educational Psychologist can access dyslexia. Educational Psychologists are able to use a slightly higher number of sub tests and cognitive testing. If a child has a more complex range of challenges and is likely to qualify for an Educational Care Plan (EHCP) then an Educational Psychologist report is likely to be more appropriate. This can be established in an initial conversation or consultation.
  • An EHCP is usually provided for a child who is likely to require specific provision 1:1 support and significant adjustments to the curriculum in a mainstream setting or a special school provision. Individuals with an EHCP usually have more than one challenge not just dyslexia. Their academic performance will be significantly behind their peers averagely five years. 
  • A specialist teacher has a wide range of teaching experience and an understanding of the classroom. This can make it easier to make more specific recommendations, In terms of school and college life. The report will also signpost to other organisations which could provide support and help and provide resources.

Booking an Assessment

  • Fill in the Booking Form

  • Confirm your assessment date

    You’ll recieve confirmation of your assessment date from Corinne.

  • Pay your deposit

    A deposit of half the payment is due upon confirmation on the appointment date.

  • Complete the Questionnaires

    Complete both the school questionnaire and family questionnaire at least 2 weeks before your assessment date

  • Pay your final fee

    Pay your final fee 1 week before the assessment

  • Your final report

    Your final report will arrive by email appoximately 21 days after your assessment.

  • Follow Up Conversation

    A phone call of face to face discussion to go over the results of the report.

Assessment Cost: £420

Booking Form

    Your Details

    Child's Details

    Please note, we cannot assess children under the age of 7.

    Please note, any cancellation within 48 hours will result in a loss of payment already given.



    Will the assessment guarantee help from the school?

    Please note that an assessment ensures a student gets consideration in general school day to day. However a diagnosis does not guarantee all access arrangements in exams. Children can get access arrangements based on need. It can help inform a conversation where required about suitable arrangements.

    Where will the assessment take place?

    A diagnostic assessment usually takes place at Dyslexia Achieve premises where it will be quiet and focused to allow for accurate results. 

    Please make sure you have planned your travel  and arrive on time.

    How long will it take?

    An assessment can take between three and four hours. Depending on the age of the child this may require breaks and or taking place across two separate sessions.

    Can I stay for the assessment?

    You can stay for the assessment, but won’t be premitted into the room. 

    If you are staying for the appointment please bring any refreshments you may require.